How to Sneak More Water into Your Day
It’s an essential building block for life and something we need to keep us going—yet so many people across the world don’t drink half of the daily recommended amount of water to keep dehydration at bay. Why is water so important? It helps our body’s function better in nearly every way! And as chiropractors, we care about how your body performs day in and day out.
Here are three simple ways that you can help your body take in more water each day:
Here are three simple ways that you can help your body take in more water each day:
- Drink water through a straw. Why? Taking in water through a straw allows you to drink larger amounts in a shorter time.
- Add fruits and veggies to your diet like watermelon, eggplant and zucchinis—all of which are more than 90% water!
- Add ice to non-water drinks. This adds water to your beverage and keeps it cool